Mission for God

Roman 1:16 "for I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." This is what I live by. Gods Word. I'm proud to be able to bring his message to everyone of you. I hope my blogs inspire and move you. However, I DONOT take credit for any of this. It's the power of the Holy Spirit, given to me by Jesus that is leading me.
My mission is to bring Gods Word and teach on Jesus recieving the Glory in all things we do. I pray my blogs will help increase everyones relationship with christ. Please feel free to comment onmy post. I hope for in depth conversations. If anyone feels like giving a donation then just click on an ad on my page. By clicking the Ads I recieve money. Thanks and God Bless you.


Monday, March 19, 2012

positive thinking is Gods will

Romans 12:2 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. 
   Everything action we have ever taken has began with a thought. A thought comes before an action. Thats why it says in the Word to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. It doesnot say by the renewing of your actions. Our mind is our thoughts. So if you want to change your lifestyle you must first change your thoughts about your life.
   We are what we think about all day long! If you want a better relationship with God, health, wealth, success, or to break a sinful habit you have to first decide you want it. Share your feelings, wants and desires with God. Second, start thinking of ways to accomplish your goal. Third, hear from the Lord and act on what he tells you to do. 
    START thinking about how you envision your life to be. START thinking about ways to improve your christian walk. START thinking about actions you can take to improve in all areas of your life.  STOP thinking about how bad things are for you right now. STOP thinking about what you don't want to happen. 
   Pray to God and tell him about your plans. Trust that he will lead and guide you to receive what you are asking for. He already has a plan for us, he's just waiting on us to get into his will. Here's a scripture to stand on. Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."
The word heart is intercangeable with thoughts. Also the word determines is replaced with directs in some versions.
    So, we now understand that we plan, or think about the ways to live our life. But God is the one who directs our steps to reach our goals. If we will always set our thoughts on Gods plan then we will be victorious in all areas of our life. Start trusting that inner voice inside you. That voice is the Holy Spirit. He is a person. So get to know him and let him form your thought life. 
   Most importantly, and this is the final step, act on Gods Word!! So many people have missed out on Gods blessings because they were afraid to act on what God told them to do!! Understand that God will never lead you astray. Also, understand that what ever we are expecting to happen probaly won't happen the we we think it will. That's because God wants to do it in a way that we will know it was ONLY HIM who brought that to pass in our life. God told Abraham to kill his son. Abraham didn't question God about this. He was obedient to God. He went through the process and right before he stabbed Issac God stopped him and gave him a lamb to sacrifice. So, please act on what God is telling you to do. It may not make much sense, but it will at some point when you receive the Blessing. 
   In closing, remember that thoughts become things. So take a guard over your thoughts. Allow God to form them inside you. Your thoughts will become his thoughts when you really begin reading and meditating on his word. Trust God to direct your steps. Your steps are ordered by the Lord. So act on what he is telling you to do. You may ask, Kevin what should I be thinking about. Well I'll let the Word answer that for you. Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--THINK about such things. God Bless you all. Jesus Loves You.

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